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Learning Math/CS/Engineering Design with Robotics
Grid Size: S M L Simple View: MinView:
Background Image
Coord: x-axis y-axis Grid Lines: x-axis y-axis
Grid: 12x12 inches 24x24 inches 36x36 inches
72x72 inches 96x96 inches 192x192 inches
1x1 inches 2x2 inches Fraction:
Quad: 1 Quadrant 4 Quadrants 1&4 Quadrants
Units: US Customary Metric Ruler:
Font px
Tics Lines:
Width px
Hash Lines:
Width px
Draw a Pie Chart
The pre-placed blocks draw a pie chart of equal thirds. Using the arc sector block, create a pie chart that represents the reviews for a movie reviewed by several people. 5 people gave it 1 star, 6 gave it 2 stars, 7 gave it 3 stars, 8 gave it 4 stars, and 9 people gave it 5 stars. Label the pie chart.
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