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Learning Math/CS/Engineering Design with Robotics
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Coord: x-axis y-axis Grid Lines: x-axis y-axis
Grid: 12x12 inches 24x24 inches 36x36 inches
72x72 inches 96x96 inches 192x192 inches
1x1 inches 2x2 inches Fraction:
Quad: 1 Quadrant 4 Quadrants 1&4 Quadrants
Units: US Customary Metric Ruler:
Font px
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The pre-placed code blocks use a loop to draw two sides of a square. Use the Step button to step through the code piece by piece to see how it works. Then change the value of the argument in the loop so that the code has the robot draw a complete square with four sides. What happens if you have the loop repeat more than four times?

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